Lebanon Summit & Mission trip

Whether you are in the healthcare field or not, we encourage you to join us to stay before and/or after the Summit in Lebanon and participate in the Medical Mission trips. Healthcare workers (nurses, doctors, pharmacists) are needed as the mobile clinics will travel to nearby villages and visit patients. Non-healthcare workers can help with administration, organization and supervise the children as their parents are being examined. See below for information about an extended trip to Egypt after the Summit.

2023 HOME Lebanon Summit & Medical Missions Trip
: June 30-July 2, 2023
Optional Medical Missions & Mobile Unit Outreach:
Before the Summit: June 26-29, (2) after the Summit: July 3-6, 2023 

Monday June 26 - Beit Chalala  (St Vancet de Paul)
Tuesday June 27  - Ain Zhalta  (Catholic Church)
Wednesday June 28  - Damour  (Municipal Dispensary)
Thursday June 29Beino Akkar ( St Theodoros Orthodox Church )
June 30-July 2 - The Summit in Broumana
Monday July 3 - Zahleh (True Vine church)
Tuesday July 4 - Hammana (Dar EL Farrah )
Wednesday July 5 - Akoura (Municipal Building )
Thursday July 6 - Bejjeh (Municipal Dispensary)

Register now to secure your spot !

All Inclusive nightly Package Rate for 

Single Occupancy: $240

All Inclusive nightly Package Rate for 

Double Occupancy: $200

Act fast - spaces are limited and filling up quickly

The rates are inclusive of room rates, all 3 meals, coffee breaks, all transportation (including to and from the airport) and conference registration package. 
In order to secure your spot, we are kindly asking for a non-refundable deposit of just $100 with each registration to ensure your spot is guaranteed and so we can reserve hotle space early.                                                    Click Here to Register               Click HERE to Pay


For more information, please check our Frequently Asked Questions
and if you have other questions, feel free to email us at: [email protected]

The Egypt trip segment is July 6-9  

Please note that attendees will be paying their transportation and hotel charges directly for the Egypt segment. We are currently negotiating room rates with local hotels and will advise once finalized. The trip will be short and an extension of our trip to Lebanon. It will consist of one mobile clinic visit on the 7th and a visit to the new hospital with a ceremony to consecrate the second new mobile clinic we have purchased. Please let us know if you are joining us by using the same registration link and we will reserve your accommodation.

Message from the President

­­­­­­­­­­It is with immense joy and anticipation that I extend a warm invitation to you to be a part of the HOME 2023 Summer Events, taking place in Lebanon. This special trip promises to be a time of renewal, growth, and impact as we gather with our HOME family from around the world to share the mission of bringing hope and healing to God's children

The highlight of our journey will be the medical summit conference, where healthcare professionals and field leaders from across the globe will come together for a time of fellowship, learning, and prayer. This is a unique opportunity to cement our bonds, gain new insights, and chart a path forward as we continue to serve our Lord and Savior.

Preceding and following the summit, we will be embarking on medical mission trips to serve His Kingdom and share God's love and healing with those in need. This is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ, and to make a tangible difference in the lives of those we encounter. The HOME 2023 Summer Events is an invitation to be a part of His global mission. We would love for you to join us, pray with us and celebrate the progress that we make for the Glory of His name.

Your Brother in Christ,

Click HERE to register

Click Here to download brochure

The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you
Deuteronomy 31:8

HOME Summit & Medical Missions - Lebanon 2022

The Lord was present throughout all our HOME Summer Events in 2022 and we are delighted to share below a few snippets of the Summit, and Medical Missions