Healing Journeys Mobilizing Care for Those in Need
It is with this renewed vigor that we continue our mission through our mobile healthcare services.
In the underprivileged neighborhoods of Cairo and the remote villages of Minya, our mobile healthcare units are steadfast in their mission, delivering vital care to communities too often underserved and overlooked with over 700 patients receiving essential medical care directly in their communities.
Our healthcare professionals, equipped with expertise across various medical fields, have delivered much more than just medical care—they have shared our Lord's love and showed a touch of His kindness to those in need.
Even as we've navigated the challenging tides of financial constraints and the steep rise in medicine costs, the light of your support has guided us through. Each act of service is an echo of our shared commitment to show the love of Christ through the compassion that He gives us for everyone.
In places like Ezbet Al-Nakhl, our work transcends physical healing, weaving together the medical and spiritual experience. It is there that stories of love, compassion, and faith resonate, strengthening the bonds we forge through our mission.
We also reached out to Arish, North Egypt where injured Palestinian refugees from Gaza and their families were able to flee the war. HOME continues to help as well as to try and coordinate post-trauma counselling by Christian counsellors and psychiatrists to those dear families and their children who made it to Cairo.HOME Honors Lebanon's Minister of Health, Dr. Firass Abiad, in a Special Ceremony
HOME recently hosted a ceremony in Houston to honor Lebanon's Minister of Public Health, Dr. Firass Abiad. The event was co-organized with the Association of Lebanese American Doctors, led by Dr. Rafik Hashem, and the Association of Arab American Doctors in Houston, headed by Dr. Nidal Moukaddam.
Though unable to attend in person due to urgent commitments, U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee graciously phoned in to offer her heartfelt appreciation and support. She spoke on behalf of the U.S. Congress, praising the efforts of Dr. Abiad and HOME in advancing healthcare in Lebanon. Dean of the University of Houston School of Medicine, Dr. Steve Spann, was also among the esteemed guests.
In his remarks, Dr. Raad lauded Dr. Abiad's crucial role in healthcare reform in Lebanon and his dedication to serving impoverished communities. Dr. Abiad was acknowledged for his work in combatting epidemics, which has helped pave the way for a promising 2023 tourist season in Lebanon.
The event culminated in the presentation of Certificates of Appreciation by Dr. Raad to the minister on behalf of HOME and a certificate of recognition from the U.S. Congress, awarded to Dr. Firass Abiad.
The ceremony was well-attended by a broad swath of community members and dignitaries in Houston highlighting our collective commitment to a healthier, more equitable future.
We extend our warmest thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this momentous event.Year in Review-2022
The long awaited and fervently pursued dream is about to become a reality
As we celebrate a momentous milestone of our journey to Reach the Suffering & Share the Cure through the dedication of the HOME Hospital in Cairo, I wanted to take a moment and thank you for taking the time and making the effort to join me and our HOME family members during the ribbon cutting and dedication events. Your presence and your participation magnified our blessings.
I thank the Lord for blessing HOME with the support, fealty, and benevolence of devout people like you. Through your support, HOME continues to bring His light and His promise to the suffering people of the Middle East to heal countless wounds and broken hearted
On behalf of every life that will be saved and every wound that will be healed, please accept my most sincere gratitude
We look forward to sharing the “fruits” of your support as soon as the hospital becomes fully functional, and our labor of love starts to bear those blessed fruits.
In Christ & His Amazing Grace.
Issam Raad, MD
HOME, President
The HOME clinic in Erbil, Kurdistan, continues to give medical services for all the refugees in a local camp. Our clinic actually has been and still is their sole healthcare provider. During the past couple of years, the clinic staff were able to develop a strong relationship with the people of the camp as they now almost are being considered part of their families.
This came after long years of continuous visitations since many patients have chronic diseases that obligate them to come at least monthly to the clinic. For that reason, our staff got to know merely everything about each resident of the camp, their personalities, social problems, fears, needs, etc.
This bond helped us to reach them emotionally and spiritually to help them with their psychological and personal issues as well.
Interactive Workshop for Teenage Girls
The Love & Hope of God
One day, we invited a team to run an interactive workshop for teenage girls of the camp centered around the love and hope of God in their lives. Everyone left encouraged and very happy after the event.
Another story: our dentist doctor donated her monthly salary to purchase a machine for one of her handicapped young patient. The mother could not believe her eyes for this act of sacrificial love!
In 2021, we saw 6044 patients, including 1932 children.
Thank you for your partnership with us and thank you for praying for the staff there, their safety and for their strength to be multiplied.
A New OR Suite in Chinguetti and A New Hospital In Ouadane
The HOME update on Mauritania includes several aspects starting with exciting developments at the Chingetti Hospital and the opening of a new hospital in Ouadane.
Below are "small" snippets for "giant" developments
The OR suite in Chinguetti has made great progress. Thanks to a large work team that came out in February, we were able to perform our first surgery in one of the new ORs this month. There is still a lot of work to do, but we have several people lined up to come in August and September to help progress the work further. We hope to have a group of surgeons come out in October from the USA to do surgeries in the new OR suite. We are finishing up the purchase and acquisition of the remaining medical and construction materials to ship out our last container later this month. We are thankful for the collaboration of Samaritan's Purse in this project.
HOME has been recently entrusted with the management of a new hospital in Ouadane, a small town in the dessert region of central Mauritania.
The building was inaugurated in the presence of the Minister of Health Mohamed Nedhirou Ould Hamed. The construction of the hospital cost 1.6 billion Ouguiyas (Mauritanian currency). It houses a laboratory, a pharmacy and accommodation for the medical staff.
“The inauguration of this infrastructure will improve the health services in Ouadane,” said the Minister of Health, “it will ameliorate the health of the population in accordance with the President’s instructions.
Lead by Dr. Amanda, our team are currently training staff in Chinguetti to be placed in the hospital in Oudane. We hope to have the hospital fully functional in June. Thanks to donations from Baylor Scott and White, the hospital is now fully outfitted.
Please be praying for this astounding opportunity for HOME, to be the tool to bring hope and healing in this desert where The Living Water can be the only Healer.
Yemen - Health Response
Mobile Clinic Visits Two Villages - Upper Egypt
HOME’s team in Minia, Egypt recently had the opportunity to visit two villages, Akaka and Koum El Ahmar, through the mobile clinic. Health services are virtually nonexistent in these areas, the closest hospital being at least 90 minutes away. Poverty is so rampant in these areas that people aren’t able to afford any kind of doctor’s visit or medication. The team of physicians saw 230 patients in 3 days with ophthalmology, internal medicine, and orthopedics being in especially high demand. We are looking forward to going back with more specialties as the people are in dire need of medical attention.
We thank the Lord for helping and protecting our team during this pandemic.
Good Shepherd Clinic - South Sudan
All 16 members of our staff have been miraculously protected during the COVID 19 pandemic, allowing them to see more than 6,500 patients since 2020 until the end of January 2021 |
HOME's South Sudan team consists of one medical doctor, a medical assistant, five nurses, three lab technicians, two midwives, two janitors, a driver and a watchman. The clinic offers services six days a week allowing hundreds of patients to have access to medical care. |
The staff had the opportunity at the end of a 2-day bedside ministry training from one of HOME directors. This ministry is what sets our clinic apart and makes it a light amid all the darkness around it attracting so many to the Light! |
Please be praying for the continuous safety of the team so they can continue their diligent work. As well as for needs such as a new 4-wheel drive car for the mobile clinic to help during the rainy season, and a bigger supply of medications to be distributed to the most needy |
We are overjoyed and grateful to our Lord in announcing that HOME now has full ownership of a hospital in Cairo, Egypt!
HOME annual NA Conference
Click HERE for information on how to attend
HOME Annual Summit & Mission trip 2019
It was a very successful Summit and well attended. Many of our missionaries and healthcare workers that help in the different countries that we serve, attended and shared about their work during the past year. The rest of the time was dedicated to going to the different villages with the mobile clinic and minister to the people there. When time allowed some sight seeing was incorporated.
Dallas Fort Worth Banquet Fundraiser
Houston Fundraising Banquet
Houston Fundraising Banquet
Royal Sonesta Hotel in the Galleria Area
2222 West Loop South, Houston, TX
Join us for an evening to hear about the work of HOME in the Middle East and see how you can be part of "Reaching the Suffering and Sharing the Cure"
2018 15th annual Summit & Mission Trip to Lebanon
The Lebanon Summit this year in June was an unforgettable week in beautiful Lebanon in the Middle East!
2017 Year in Review
HOME-DWAM Spiritual & Medical Conference
Wednesday, Feb. 7 until Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018
If you are a healthcare professional, a medical student or any believer who wants the share God's love through healthcare, we would like to invite you to attend this medical and spiritual conference in Egypt. Lectures on Advances in Medicine, spiritual messages and workshops on Christ-like bedside care will be included.
2017 Fundraising Events
Every year, the HOME chapters across the US conduct annual fundraising banquets during which members and friends are invited to hear more about the work that is taking place in the Middle East and to find out more about how they can participate and help those in need.
14th Annual HOME Middle East Summit
Lebanon | July 6-13, 2017
In July, H.O.M.E. leaders, members and friends from North America and all over the Middle East came together to attend the 14th Annual HOME Middle East Summit in Broummana, Lebanon. This year, we had the honor of having the opening ceremony and the banquet occur under the patronage of the President of Lebanon, His Excellency Michel Aoun. The conference included a wide range of activities, such as heart shaking messages from speakers such as Dr Thompson and Dr Awabdeh, workshops, planning & strategic meetings and more!
Spiritual & Medical Conference
Wadi Al Natroun, Egypt | March 8 - 11, 2017
HOME partnered with DWAM, ACMA and CMF to host its annual summit this year in Wadi Al Natroun, Egypt. HOME leaders, members and friends of HOME from across the Middle East came together for a special time of fellowship, prayer, and leadership sessions.